07 Dec

he most esteemed were those dealing with this subject. ' It is interesting to note that, in the later years of his life, he retired from active participation in the business, and spent his time in agricul- tural pursuits upon his farm at Ringmer, Sussex. He also exhibited at the Great Exhibition of 1851 Two Models of improved farmyard and buildings; the Official entry being under Class 30, Sculpture, Models and Plastic Art, &c : 334. Baxter, J., Lewes and Ringmer, Sussex. Des. Two Models of improved farm-yard and buildings. He died on November I2th, 1858, and was buried in All Saints' Churchyard, Lewes. I am quite sure you do not know, nor do many of our other friends, that Baxter's mother's maiden name was Charlotte Warner, and that she came from Midhurst, Sussex; she was married to John Baxter at St. Martin's in the Fields on the 22nd November, 1801. Her son George was, we are told by Mr. C, T, Courtney Lewis, 1 in that fine volume of his Life and Environment 19 " The Picture Printer of the Nineteenth Century," born at Lewes at 2.30 p.m. on the 3ist July, 1804. The enquiries' 1 1 have made confirm this date, and in accordance with my desire to find authentic documents sub- stantiating the facts relative to Baxter's career and life, I would at this point have given you a copy of his birth certificate. This, however, is not possible, owing to the Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Act not having come into force until the ist July, '1837. Mr. C. T. Courtney Lewis further tells us that Baxter was ' baptized at All Saints' Church in his native town "; this I am not able to confirm, although I have had search made in the Register, with the following result:

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