cloisters de' Voti, with a tablet underneath, which has been engraved by Cruger, and placed amongst his engravings of the cloister. In 1606 a bust of del Sarto was erected in the cloister of the Servite Church, executed by Giovanni Caccini, but it is of more than doubtful likeness. It stands between two of the Benizzi frescoes, and bears the following inscription : "Andreae Sartio florentino pictori celeberrimo qui cum hoc vestibulum pictura tantum non loquente decorasset ac reliquis huius venerabilis templi orna- mentis eximia artis suae ornamenta adjunxisset, in Deiparam Virginem religione affectus, in co recondi voluit Prater Laurentius huius coenobii praefectus hoc virtutis illius et sui patrumque grati animi monu- mentum p. MDCVI."t * Amongst the petitions presented to Duke Cosimo is one dated 5th October 1538, in which Domenico Conti prays "non essere astretto da Giovanni dell' Antella uno degli operaj de' Servi, a levar via uno quadro marmoreo, quale aveva con licentia de' irati posto nella Nunziata in honor di M Andrea Sartio suo maestro. Fu posto in memoriale a sua eccellentia." Rescritto, "// Vescoro (Angelo Marzi) faccio opera cttel quadro si levi." t The following lines were written by Bernardo Davanzati on del Sarto's death : " Morte Andrea, la Natura Vincer tu me ? disse e crollo la testa ;