A re leading me to now reveal The origin of that dread band. Within our midst — of beings dark. Those creatures long estranged from grace, Whose hatred of the human race Just now excites so much remark — I may not here disclose the name By which this band is known on earth ; Those foes to man, who, dead to shame. On every side give Ruin birth. Unnumbered terrors rise to daze The wielder of too bold a pen, So, for the nonce, we'll call these men The Leeds Committee of Highways. They once were young ; their youthful cheek Seemed for no brazen end designed, And innocence had, so to speak, Around each infant brow entwined. I may, too, venture to remark, Without direct authority. They sported round a mother's knee, And went to bed soon after dai-k. LOCAL LTBICS. 4<7 Thus passed their youth in guileless sport, Until on one ill-fated day They chanced, in play, to dig a sort Of pit across a public way.