07 Dec

I trust and look to God to treat me as a child, grant- ing me all the rights and privileges of a child; and submit to Him as a child to a father. I trust and look to Jesus as my Prophet, to teach me all that I need to know, and submit to Him as my Prophet; I look to, trust in, and submit to Him as my Priest, to obtain for me all the blessings I need; I look to Him and trust in Him as my King, to subdue me to Himself, to reign in me, to rule over me, and to restrain and conquer His and my enemies. I trust 68 A Busy Life. in, look too, and submit to the Holy Spirit as my helper in all things. "I believe; Lord help my unbelief. " From his diary we find that he spent much of his time in the study of the "Word of God, and in read- ing devotional books; in meditation and in prayer; prayer that he might be "filled with the Spirit; that all that is meant by the baptism of the Spirit, the leading of the Spirit, the witness of the Spirit might be his;" that he "might be led by the Spirit, guided by the Spirit, and live in the Spirit;" and "that he might be kept from grieving Him." But his prayer was not for himself alone; others were remembered his family, his con- gregation and the church at large, that God would pour out his Spirit upon the church. He re-

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