07 Dec

grateful and submissive slave of Antonina. A fine of one hundred and twenty thousand pounds sterling was levied on the fortunes of Belisarius; and with the office of count, or master of the royal stables, he accepted the conduct of the Italian war. At his departure from Constantinople, his friends, and even the public, were persuaded that as soon as he regained his freedom, he would renounce his dissimulation, and that his wife, Theodora, and perhaps the emperor himself, would be sacrificed to the just revenge of a virtuous rebel. Their hopes were deceived; and the unconquerable patience and loyalty of Belisarius appear either _below_ or _above_ the character of a man. Chapter XLII: State Of The Barbaric World.--Part I. State Of The Barbaric World.--Establishment Of The Lombards On the Danube.--Tribes And Inroads Of The Sclavonians.-- Origin, Empire, And Embassies Of The Turks.--The Flight Of The Avars.--Chosroes I, Or Nushirvan, King Of Persia.--His Prosperous Reign And Wars With The Romans.--The Colchian Or Lazic War.--The Æthiopians. Our estimate of personal merit, is relative to the common faculties of mankind. The aspiring efforts of genius, or virtue, either in active or speculative life, are measured, not so much by their real elevation, as by the height to which they ascend above the level of their age and country; and the same stature, which in a people of giants would pass unnoticed, must appear conspicuous in a race of pygmies. Leonidas, and his three hundred companions, devoted their lives at Thermopylæ; but the education of the infant, the boy, and the man, had prepared, and almost insured, this memorable sacrifice; and each Spartan would approve, rather than admire, an act of duty, of which himself and eight thousand

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