07 Dec

The Holy Spirit. 177 and trusting in the Spirit to show us the mind of Christ. Certainly, when we yield to his teachings and leadings Avith absolute submission, we may de- pend on him to guide us in judgment and teach us his way. Those who have tried this way have no reason to repent of their conduct. On the contrary, they accept it as one of the highest privileges of God's people thus to be guided by him. But we must beware that we do not condition the Spirit by consenting to accept his teachings only when they agree with our prejudices, and to follow his leadings only when they accord with our wishes. AVe must also remember that he does not lead us to ignore or reject the written word, or to accept absurdities. We must also remember that he shows us only what is present duty, and not duty at some future time. In what has been written above, all questions may not have been answered or all difficulties re- moved. Hints, however, I trust have been given which they will find helpful who desire to live in the Spirit. Those who long to know the mind of Christ, desire it above all other knowledge, and are accus- tomed to listen for the voice of his Spirit and wait to be taught by hira, will not find it difficult to dis- tinguish his voice and his teachings. We soon learn to know the voice and the sentiments of those witli

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