07 Dec

"eyes upon you. Posterity is advancing. It will "judge you, and its voice will pass through ages." .O Page 215 Rameau "It is not in your power to give me the quality of "judge, which I have not received from the "sovereign. Accordingly I do not think myself "bound by this monstrous decree." ..................O 75. COTES DU NORD (ST. BRIEUX) Londe Death...............................................+ Couppè "Of the two punishments proposed to be inflicted on "Louis, I choose the mildest, that is detention."...O Champeaux "My constituents have deputed me to make laws, and "not to judge.".....................................O Page 216 Guyomard "The re-union of all powers characterises "despotism, whether it be in an individual, or in a "body of men. It is bad policy to multiply the "number of our enemies fourfold, and to lavish the "blood of our brethren. Shall we then, by "punishing Louis, augment the list of victims still "more? I vote for confinement.".............. .....O Gondelin "I am not afraid of menaces. I am ready to "sacrifice my blood for my country. I vote, "according to my conscience, for detention."........O Gautier, Perpetual confinement...............................O le jeune Fleury Perpetual confinement...............................O I

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