07 Dec

The falaries fettled by the conftitution upon the 750 members of the next legiflature, amount to 174 millions of livres a year. The falary of the five members of the executive diredlory amounts to 20,400,000 livres. According to the new organization, Bel- gium and the county of Liege form nine departments, of which, ths chief towns are Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, BrufTels, Liege, [^36] Maeflricht, Mou's, Namur, and Luxem- burg. A funeral ceremony in honour of the victims of decemviral tyranny. A famous refolution of 33 fcftions of Paris is the caufe of a terrible explofion hereafter. Proclamation of the convention on the danger which threatens. An afflicling pifture given of the Hate of the Southern provinces of France, by a re- prefentative of the people who was an eye witnefs of it. The primary and permanent affemblies of Paris demand of the convention the re-im- prifonment of the terrorifts, and enquiry into the condufl: of the committees of go- vernment.

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