Rhine near Manheim, this city furrenders itfelf to the French by capitulation, of which one of the articles is, that the Palatinate fliall be confidered a neutral country. r ^35 ] The convention addrelTes the Parilians, to inform them that if any attack be made upon the national reprefentatives, the con- vention will remove to Chalons-fur-Maire. The convention, which never had fo much apprehenfion for its fafety, ordered the re- publican columns to march to its defence. Decreed, that every member of the conven- tion fliall make a declaration of his fortune before, and fmce the revolution. Joubert, reprefentative of the people, writes to the convention, that the French, fmce their palTage of the Rhine, have taken 371 pieces of cannon, 331,000 pounds of pow- der, and other ftores. Decreed, that Belgium and all the countries which are, or (liall be, conquered from the Houfe of Auftria, fliall be incorporated with the French republic. The fe(5lion of Le Pelletier writes fevere truths to the convention.