07 Dec

and 600 emigrants, condemned by the tri- bui\al of Vannes to be (hot. 13. In the prifons of Paris 4413 perfons are confined. Nantes in great diftrefs. The convention difcufles the fubjeft of a conflitution, -A deputation from Belgium demands to be united mih. the French republic. 16. Treaty of friendiliip between the French nation and the regency of Tunis, The convention decrees a new conflitution. The King of Spain ratifies the treaty of peace with France. The convention annuls all revolutionary fentences pafTed fmce March 13th, 1793, except thofe of the tribunals of Paris. The emigrants not comprized in the ex- ceptions are for ever profcribed, K 2 21. The convention decrees that two- thirds of the fucceeding legiflature fliall be chofen out of the prefent convention. Violent declamation of Tallien againft emi- grants atid royal ifts. Ail ckbs or -popular focieties are by the decree of the convention aboliflied.

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