feet wider, than any ever built. The aflembly of the provifionary reprefen- tatives of the United Provinces acknow- ledges the rights of man and the fovereignty of the people, difmiifes the dates-general, abolifhes the office of ftadtholder, fupprefles the regency of the Hague, and appoints a new committee of the India company. • loolbs. each. C "4 ] A deputation from the people of colour thanks the convention for liberty granted to the negroes. Difturbances at Rouen, and other great cities. Four preiles of falfe affignats feized at Paris. Ordered, that deputies be fent to the colo- nies beyond the Cape of Good-Hope. 4. Gouly harangues the convention to inflame it againft England, which has ulurped, as he faid, a tyrannic dominion over the fea. Petitioners appear at the bar, demanding bread. Zealand capitulates. The republic of Bafle acknowledges the French republic. A decree upon religious worlliip, which