among the fpoils. 25. A national feflival is celebrated at Paris on account of tlie evacuation of the French territory by the enemy. C 105 ] 27. Crevecceur furrenders by capitulation to the French. 30. The allies flill continue to retreat. Decreed, chat all direftories and all muni- cipal bodies of the republic fhall be purified; and all revolutionary committees reorga- nized. OSi. I. GeneralX^lairfait palTes the Rhine. Keyferflautern taken by the Pruffians. 3. Th'c French enter Juliers. The body of Roufleau transferred to the Pantheon. 4. Bommel and Bois-Ie-Duc furrender to the French. The garrifon of Nimeguen fallies, and kills 2000 French. Proclamation of the Prince of Orange, ex- horting the Dutch to refill: the enemy in a body (en malTe.) 5. Lyons permitted to refume its name — con- fifcation and mafi'acres are fufpended there. 6. The convention addreffes the French people to acquaint them that henceforward the