07 Dec

tains a raard for his perfon. "June I. The Britifli fleet under Lord Howe en- ' g^g^s the French ; the latter lofes eight fail of the line. 2. The convention decrees, that no Englifli- man or Hanoverian fliall be made pri- foner in battle — no quarter to be given, but all without referve to be put to the fword. The Duke of York communicates this bar- barous decree to his army, in a manner that does honour to a foldier and to a man. The guillotine is deflroyed by the people at St. Brieux, and the revolutionary tribunal expelled. 4. The French are routed near Charleroy with the lofs of 4000 men. The man who Hwed Collot d'Hcrbois from aiTaffination, obtains a penfion of 1500 li- vres a year. Decreed, that the members of the conven- tion, when on duty, fliall wear marks of diftin^lion. C 96 J Proclamation of the Emperor to induce all Brabant to rife in a mafs. A military fchool is inftitutcd in the plain

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