07 Dec

The number of prifoners in Paris amount to 6100. 9. The minifter of juftice propofes to inftitute a committee of infurre6i:ion, to overturn all the monarchies of Europe. The fale of the property of emigrants amounted in the year 1793 only to twenty millions of livres, not half the real value of the eftates of one emigrant alone, the Duke de Montmorency. • The number of vi«51:ims deflroyed by the guillotine or grape-fliot at Lyons, to this date, amounted to fomewhat more than five thoufand. Populus, an ex-conftituent, guillotined at Lyons. The clubs of the jacobins and cordelierg form an alliance. C 88 ] At Ncvcrs feventy-four priefls, who refute to take the oath, are guillotined. At Dijon fourteen nobles fuffer the fame fate, becaufc they ufed the titles of Count and Baron. The merchants of Bourdeaux are all arrefled on the fame day, and condemned to the guil- lotine; but are permitted to redeem their lives by paying one hundred millions of

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