At Rochefort and other cities the pictures and books of the churches are burned, St. Domingo taken by the Englifli. The orator of the fludents of the republi- can fchool comes to the bar, to affure the convention that he and his comrades detefl God. C 77 ] Reraonilrances of Mr. Drake, the Britifli. minifler, to the Senate of Genoa on the fubjecl of neutrality. A member informs the convention that ten thoufand firelocks are made in Paris daily. Decreed, that a cololTal ftatue be ereded in Paris 46 feet high, with the rights of man and the conftitutional aft for a pe- deftal. " ' Furious deckmation of Robefpierre againfl the Britifli government, ■^o. General O'Hara, commander at Toulon, taken prifoner by the French. The inhabitants of Marly fend to the con- vention all the precious effefts of the pa- lace of Marly, and all the iron of the fa- mous works of that place. Decreed, that all the lakes and marilies of the republic be dried, and fowed with grain