07 Dec

" Lyons waged war againfl liberty; Lyons " is no more.'* J 3. The allies make themfelves maflers of the ftrong and famous lines of WeifTembourg. Lauterbourg furrenders to them next day. All monuments of former Kings who were buried at St. Denis, are deftroyed by order of the convention. C 70 ] 1 5. The Queen appears at the bar of the revo- lutionary tribunal; Fouquier, the pubHc accufer, reads the lift of injuries and grie- vances with which (lie is charged, and im- mediately obtains a fentence of death againft her ; flie hears it with downcaft eyes, and without uttering a word. 16. Marie Antoinette of Auftria, Queen of France, is conveyed in a cart to the place of execution, her hands tied behind her back,and with her back to the horfe's tail. She mounted the fcaffold quickly, amidft acclamations of the people, which excited only a fmile of pity in her. She looked earneftly at the Tuilleries, and feemed to dwell upon the place where her children were ; before flie was faftened to the guil- lotine, llie threw her eyes up to heaven, and

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