07 Dec

Monf. de Blanchland, governor of St. Do- mingo, is guillotined at Paris, and dies with extraordinary firmnefs. Great congrefs held at Antwerp by the chiefs of the allied armies. Decreed, that henceforward commiffioners fliall remain with the armies, and be invefled with powers unlimited. Philip Egalite, his third fon, his fifler, and the Prince of Conti, conducted prifoners to Marfeilles. The commune of Vernon Is unwilling to fuffer Madame d'Orleans to depart, on ac- count of her ill health, and they promife to anfwer with their lives for their bene- faflrefs and friend. C 5' D The Pruffians prepare for the iiege of Mayence. The creditors of Egalite fix his annual zU lowance at about 8 cool, a year. His income is faid to have been between three and four hundred thoufand a year. Gen. Damplere forms the camp of FamarSj the French having retired from Holland. Great debates in the convention on the fub- jecl of a petition from 35 fe^lions of Paris,

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