07 Dec

heads of his father and mother, whom his patriotifm, as he faid, had juft facrlficed. 19. The laft fitting of the legiflative affembly. CHAPTER C 33 ] CHAPTER III. 1792. Sept. 10. Firft fitting of the third legiflature, which takes the title of National Convention. It confifts »f 745 members. 2,1, Decreed, that royalty is abolifhed, and that the kingdom of France is a republic. The battle of Grand-Pre gained by General Dumourier. 22. Damon refigns the miniftry in order to take a place in the convention. 23. The old Marilial Liickner is ordered to the bar of the convention. 27. Monf. Cazotte, an author m.uch efteemed, and who with difficulty efcaped from the af- faflins of the 2d of September, is conduced to the guillotine at 80 years of age. 29. The Auftrians begin to bombard Lille.' Spires taken by the army of Gen. Cuftine. Od. 2. The Duke of Brunfwick, commanding the Pruffians, begins his retreat from France, and raifes the fiege of Thionville.

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