%6, The department of La Somme offers 200 batallions, to enforce refpe^l: to the King. Several others make fimilar offers. 28. La Fayette quits his army, and goes to com- plain to the national reprefentatives of party violence. A petition againft Pethion is figned at the boufes of all the notaries. 30. La Fayette returns to the army, and as foon as he is departed, he is burnt in effigy at the palace royal. July 2. Letter of the King to the French armieso [ 28 ] 3- Suppreffion of all the ftaff-officers of the national guard of Paris. 4. Decreed, that the nation is in danger. The Duke of Brunfwick arrives at Coblentz. Diftinguifliing marks granted to the legifla- tors and adminiflrators. 6. Dumourier goes to take the command of the army. 7. Pethion, mayor of Paris, and Manuel, fuf, pended, but very foon after re(lored» Minifters all changed. II. A petition againfl the King figned at the Elyfian fields. 14. Anniverfary of the federations obferved with