07 Dec

22. Decree excluding women from the regency. 25. The majority of the Kings of France fixed at eighteen years. DifculTion on the fate of the invalids. Monf. de M'Nemara maifacred at I'lfle-de- France. 0.6. Public funftionaries compelled to refidence. 28. The monarchical club at Paris attacked by the populace with ftones, and difperfed, 29. Report upon an infurre£i:ion at Toulon. The minifter of the church of St. Sulpicc, who had not conformed to the national oath, efcapes with great difficulty from the violence of the populace. April 3. The^death of Mirabeau announced to the aflembly: decreed, that he fliall have the honours of the Pantheon, (formerly the beau- tiful church of St. Genevieve.) 7. Decreed, that no deputy to the national af- fembly fliall be admiffible into the miniftry until four years after the expiration of the legiflature of which he is a member, 8. Decreed, that no deputy to the affembly fhall accept any favour from the executive power for four years. Several nuns in Paris and elfewhere were publicly whipped for perfilling to adhere to

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