07 Dec

of 45 with the IL, and transferring to it, as was done in the case of MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING DRAWING 91 1 92 FIRST PRINCIPLES OF No. 3, the various points, ordinates, etc., of No. 4, as given in No. 5. Its elevation is then obtained by producing the projectors drawn through the points a', 1, 2, 3, 4, BC, No. 3, and intersecting them by those drawn through the corresponding points in the plan No. 5. A line drawn through the points where these projectors intersect will give the line a'BC, No. 6, which is the required elevation. 42. To familiarize himself with the principles involved in this very interesting part of our subject viz., the projection of curved lines in any position the student should accustom himself to make wire templets, of copper or lead, bent to the exact shape of the lines given for projection. Such models, when posed before him in the positions stated in the problems, would materially assist him in obtaining the correct projections required, as he would be able to follow the movements of any points in them in the different positions they assume. Practice with such models is all the more advisable in view of the more difficult problems that will have to be mastered in the projection of solids having curved surfaces, when inclined, or otherwise, to the planes of their projection. After the foregoing full explanation of the application of the principles of projection to curved lines, the projection of curved- bounded figures, to which we now pass, will present little or no difficulties.

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