and subsequent synthesis in terms of the raw materials at one's disposal. As we have explained before, the chemical reactions do not proceed to a finish in body firing, so that the number of possible bodies is as infinite as the number of possible sources of clay. A chemist must not be afraid to make departures from the guiding analysis which will be more suitable to the conditions in which he is placed. To ascertain the correct firing tem- perature, trials of the same composition are fired and drawn out at various temperatures, and the absorptions tested till one coincides with that of the original. CERAMIC CHEMISTRY. 45 B I> O CO 10 CO i-H ^ ^ 00 CO (N* CO _^ __J _J CO CO <M CO -|- o o o - WPQ P3 *: : : : : : : :*?* : i o PH co o i ^^_______ CO O OO<MO^OiOOCOOCOOOCOpHiO