07 Dec

declining years will be given to more secular work ; if I go, to more spiritual. 5. I have no reason to believe that my health can be depended upon to be adequate to enable me to perform the duties of the college, as I think they ought to be performed, as I would feel in conscience bound to perform them. It is not reliahlc. 6. The prompt, decided, spontaneous judgments of several men, my friends and intimate acquaintances, are, that I ought to leave the college; among them Drs. Mathews, J. Brown, and Hamilton. 7. My leaving will facili- Leaving the College. 59 tate the only correct policy for college: economize, collect, pay debts, and elect a president after first six months. Mij lieaWi is not reliable enough to justify me continui}ig in the eollege. I love it too icell and judge its interests too important to remain toith it On Monday evening, December 17, I went into my room in college, intending to remain until light came. I fell on my knees in prayer. Then came to my mind these words: "Not to-night, but in the morning. " I accepted it as from God. I at once went home, and the next morning went to my study and sought to know the Lord's mind. While in prayer, my mind settled down in this conviction, that I ought not to hold a position of Avhicli I could

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